Mion-sgrùd  no    Cànan:

Jelica Nothem

Ainm agus sloinneadh Jelica Nothem. Meaning of chiad ainm, air tùs, co-chòrdalachd de an t-ainm agus sloinneadh Jelica Nothem. All seirbheisean air-loidhne.

Liosta de na sloinnidhean ainm le Jelica

As cumanta agus neo-chumanta sloinnidhean le ainm Jelica.


Ainmean a 'dol le Nothem

As cumanta agus ainmean neo-chumanta le sloinneadh Nothem.


Jelica brìgh ainm

Meaning of chiad ainm Jelica. Dè tha a 'chiad ainm Jelica a' ciallachadh?


Jelica a thàinig a 'chiad ainm

Origin of chiad ainm Jelica.


Jelica a 'chiad ainm definition

Tha a 'chiad ainm ann an cànanan eile, litreachadh agus fuaimneachadh Tionndaidhean, boireann agus fireann Tionndaidhean a' chiad ainm Jelica.


Jelica ann an cànanan eile

Ionnsaich mar a 'chiad ainm Jelica co-ionann ris a' chiad ainm ann an cànan eile ann an dùthaich eile.


Jelica-chòrdalachd le sloinnidhean

Jelica ainm deuchainn-chòrdalachd le sloinnidhean.


Jelica-chòrdalachd le ainmean eile

Jelica-chòrdalachd le deuchainn eile ciad ainmean.


Jelica an t-ainm as fheàrr a chiall: Gnìomhach, Comasach, Temperamental, Droch, Furachail. Faigh Jelica brìgh ainm.

Jelica a thàinig a 'chiad ainm. Diminutive of Jela. Faigh Jelica a thàinig a 'chiad ainm.

Samhlachadh ainmean Jelica ann an diofar dhùthchannan agus cànanan: Alyona, Alžběta, Alžbeta, Beti, Ealasaid, Ealisaid, Élisabeth, Eilís, Eilish, Ela, Elen, Elena, Elene, Eleni, Elīna, Elísabet, Eliina, Eliisabet, Elikapeka, Elin, Elina, Elisabed, Elisabet, Elisabeta, Elisabete, Elisabeth, Elisabetta, Elisavet, Elisaveta, Elisheba, Elisheva, Eliška, Eliso, Elixabete, Eliza, Elizabeta, Elizabeth, Elizaveta, Ellen, Elspet, Elspeth, Elžbieta, Elżbieta, Erzsébet, Hélène, Helēna, Heléna, Heleen, Helen, Helena, Helene, Ileana, Isabèl, Isabel, Isabela, Isabella, Isabelle, Iseabail, Ishbel, Isibéal, Isobel, Izabela, Izabella, Jela, Jelena, Jelka, Jeļena, Léan, Lena, Lesya, Liza, Lizaveta, Olena, Sabela, Špela, Veta, Yelena, Yelizaveta, Yelyzaveta, Ysabel, Zabel. Faigh Jelica ann an cànanan eile.

As ainm cumanta sloinnidhean le Jelica: Paulk, Veg. Faigh Liosta de na sloinnidhean ainm le Jelica.

As ainmean cumanta le ainm mu dheireadh Nothem: Lisha, Ronda, Sean, Gabriel, Eliza, Gábriel, Gabriël, Seán. Faigh Ainmean a 'dol le Nothem.

Jelica Nothem coltach ainmean is sloinnidhean

Jelica Nothem Alyona Nothem Alžběta Nothem Alžbeta Nothem Beti Nothem Ealasaid Nothem Ealisaid Nothem Élisabeth Nothem Eilís Nothem Eilish Nothem Ela Nothem Elen Nothem Elena Nothem Elene Nothem Eleni Nothem Elīna Nothem Elísabet Nothem Eliina Nothem Eliisabet Nothem Elikapeka Nothem Elin Nothem Elina Nothem Elisabed Nothem Elisabet Nothem Elisabeta Nothem Elisabete Nothem Elisabeth Nothem Elisabetta Nothem Elisavet Nothem Elisaveta Nothem Elisheba Nothem Elisheva Nothem Eliška Nothem Eliso Nothem Elixabete Nothem Eliza Nothem Elizabeta Nothem Elizabeth Nothem Elizaveta Nothem Ellen Nothem Elspet Nothem Elspeth Nothem Elžbieta Nothem Elżbieta Nothem Erzsébet Nothem Hélène Nothem Helēna Nothem Heléna Nothem Heleen Nothem Helen Nothem Helena Nothem Helene Nothem Ileana Nothem Isabèl Nothem Isabel Nothem Isabela Nothem Isabella Nothem Isabelle Nothem Iseabail Nothem Ishbel Nothem Isibéal Nothem Isobel Nothem Izabela Nothem Izabella Nothem Jela Nothem Jelena Nothem Jelka Nothem Jeļena Nothem Léan Nothem Lena Nothem Lesya Nothem Liza Nothem Lizaveta Nothem Olena Nothem Sabela Nothem Špela Nothem Veta Nothem Yelena Nothem Yelizaveta Nothem Yelyzaveta Nothem Ysabel Nothem Zabel Nothem