Mion-sgrùd  no    Cànan:

Klaos Belshee

Ainm agus sloinneadh Klaos Belshee. Meaning of chiad ainm, air tùs, co-chòrdalachd de an t-ainm agus sloinneadh Klaos Belshee. All seirbheisean air-loidhne.

Klaos brìgh ainm

Meaning of chiad ainm Klaos. Dè tha a 'chiad ainm Klaos a' ciallachadh?


Klaos a thàinig a 'chiad ainm

Origin of chiad ainm Klaos.


Klaos a 'chiad ainm definition

Tha a 'chiad ainm ann an cànanan eile, litreachadh agus fuaimneachadh Tionndaidhean, boireann agus fireann Tionndaidhean a' chiad ainm Klaos.


Ciamar a fhuaimneachadh Klaos

Ciamar a tha thu fhuaimneachadh Klaos ann an diofar dhùthchannan agus cànanan?


Klaos ann an cànanan eile

Ionnsaich mar a 'chiad ainm Klaos co-ionann ris a' chiad ainm ann an cànan eile ann an dùthaich eile.


Klaos-chòrdalachd le sloinnidhean

Klaos ainm deuchainn-chòrdalachd le sloinnidhean.


Klaos-chòrdalachd le ainmean eile

Klaos-chòrdalachd le deuchainn eile ciad ainmean.


Ainmean a 'dol le Belshee

As cumanta agus ainmean neo-chumanta le sloinneadh Belshee.


Klaos an t-ainm as fheàrr a chiall: Gnìomhach, Cruthachail, Temperamental, Latha an-diugh, Furachail. Faigh Klaos brìgh ainm.

Klaos a thàinig a 'chiad ainm. Limburgish short form of Nicholas. Faigh Klaos a thàinig a 'chiad ainm.

No ath-sgrìobhadh mar a dh'fhuaimnicheas chiad ainm Klaos: KLAWS. Ciamar a fhuaimneachadh Klaos.

Samhlachadh ainmean Klaos ann an diofar dhùthchannan agus cànanan: Cai, Caj, Claes, Claus, Col, Colin, Collin, Kai, Kaj, Kay, Klaas, Klaes, Klas, Klaus, Kolos, Miklavž, Miklós, Mikołaj, Mikoláš, Miksa, Mikula, Mikuláš, Mykola, Neacel, Neculai, Nels, Nic, Niccolò, Nichol, Nicholas, Niĉjo, Nick, Nickolas, Nickolaus, Nicky, Nico, Nicol, Nicola, Nicolás, Nicolaas, Nicolae, Nicolao, Nicolaos, Nicolas, Nicolau, Nicolaus, Nicolò, Nicu, Nicușor, Niek, Niels, Nigul, Niilo, Nik, Nika, Niklas, Niklaus, Niko, Nikola, Nikolaas, Nikolai, Nikolaj, Nikolajs, Nikolao, Nikolaos, Nikolas, Nikolaus, Nikolay, Nikoloz, Nikora, Nikusha, Nils, Nioclás. Faigh Klaos ann an cànanan eile.

As ainmean cumanta le ainm mu dheireadh Belshee: Ling, Adan, Kelley, Bethanie, Eddie, Adán. Faigh Ainmean a 'dol le Belshee.

Klaos Belshee coltach ainmean is sloinnidhean

Klaos Belshee Cai Belshee Caj Belshee Claes Belshee Claus Belshee Col Belshee Colin Belshee Collin Belshee Kai Belshee Kaj Belshee Kay Belshee Klaas Belshee Klaes Belshee Klas Belshee Klaus Belshee Kolos Belshee Miklavž Belshee Miklós Belshee Mikołaj Belshee Mikoláš Belshee Miksa Belshee Mikula Belshee Mikuláš Belshee Mykola Belshee Neacel Belshee Neculai Belshee Nels Belshee Nic Belshee Niccolò Belshee Nichol Belshee Nicholas Belshee Niĉjo Belshee Nick Belshee Nickolas Belshee Nickolaus Belshee Nicky Belshee Nico Belshee Nicol Belshee Nicola Belshee Nicolás Belshee Nicolaas Belshee Nicolae Belshee Nicolao Belshee Nicolaos Belshee Nicolas Belshee Nicolau Belshee Nicolaus Belshee Nicolò Belshee Nicu Belshee Nicușor Belshee Niek Belshee Niels Belshee Nigul Belshee Niilo Belshee Nik Belshee Nika Belshee Niklas Belshee Niklaus Belshee Niko Belshee Nikola Belshee Nikolaas Belshee Nikolai Belshee Nikolaj Belshee Nikolajs Belshee Nikolao Belshee Nikolaos Belshee Nikolas Belshee Nikolaus Belshee Nikolay Belshee Nikoloz Belshee Nikora Belshee Nikusha Belshee Nils Belshee Nioclás Belshee